


Our vision is to be ‘a church without walls’,  reaching Southampton with the good news of Jesus, one person at a time.

We will…

  • REACH -We will be a church that reaches out into the community, breaking down barriers, meeting peoples needs and revealing the reality of Jesus on a daily basis.


  •  Encounter – We will be a church that provides a safe place for people to encounter Jesus, cultivate strong relationships with God through his word and prayer and apply it to their lives. We will keep Jesus at the centre of everything we do – in thought, word and deed, being surrendered, focussed and available for God to us.

  •  Belong – We will be a church that is family- a place to call home, where everyone is accepted, included, valued, loved and do life together. 

  • Equip & Release – We will be a church who strive to equip people, making whole life disciples who are growing in faith and maturity and who are trained, resourced and released to reach their families, communities and city with the good news of Jesus!


A warm welcome
awaits you





02381 980071



78 Park Road, Freemantle, Southampton, SO15 3DE